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Pharmacy market
Smarter, modern, better
Welcome to the new ApoStore homepage! After intensive development work, we present you a completely redesigned website.
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Is a dispensing machine worth it?
If you have already asked yourself these questions, it will help to take a look at the 5 biggest factors that you can sustainably influence with order picking technology.
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The Sustainable Pharmacy
The book "Sustainability in Pharmacies" by Esther Luhmann examines all aspects and connections of the ecological footprint in pharmacies.
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How much does a robot cost
The investment costs for an order picking machine can be calculated in the form of purchase, maintenance, interest and depreciation from the total investment volume.
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Remodel with ApoStore
Whether you are building a new pharmacy, renovating, moving house or starting a business, it is worth considering purchasing a picking machine. The following report describes the move of the Lienz train station pharmacy to a new building.
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